Studio has a number of different ATL functions for sorting data. Which function to use depends on the type of data you need to sort. This topic is organized by the following tasks to make it easier to find the function you need. The individual function topics contain more detail and examples.
How to sort a list of values
You can sort any list with the sort function, but for sorting lists of numbers or strings, you have better options.
For numbers, use sortNumbers or sortNumbersReverse.
ATL in Script | Sorted List | Printed Result |
[[ myList = makeList(10, 40, 30, 20, 50) sortNumbers(myList) ]] | (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) | 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 |
[[ myList = makeList(10, 40, 30, 20, 50) sortNumbersReverse(myList) ]] | (50, 40, 30, 20, 10) | 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 |
For strings, use sortStrings or sortStringsReverse.
ATL in Script | Sorted List | Printed Result |
[[ myList = makeList('John', 'Paul', 'George') sortStrings(myList) ]] | (George, John, Paul) | George, John and Paul |
[[ myList = makeList('John', 'Paul', 'George') sortStringsReverse(myList) ]] | (Paul, John, George) | Paul, John and George |
How to sort a table region
A common task is to sort a table region by column values.
For single-column sorts, use one of these functions:
ATL Function | Example Use Case |
To sort by one column (numeric) in ascending order. | |
To sort by one column (numeric) in descending order. | |
To sort by one column (string) in alphabetical order. | |
To sort by one column (string) in reverse-alphabetical order. | |
To sort by one column (datetime) in chronological order. | |
To sort by one column (datetime) in reverse-chronological order. |
No ATL function can sort a table by the values in multiple columns. For this, you need to convert your table to a list-like structure (e.g. a list of objects), then reorder the structure with the sort
function — see this example.
How to sort a JSON array
A JSON array might be an array of objects or a two-dimensional array (array of arrays). In either case, an array is a list-like structure that you can reorder by using the sort function. We have organized this section as follows:
How to sort an array of objects
Assume a "Describe a JSON Object" project with this data:
{ "data": [ {"city": "Boston", "sales": 56000, "target": 50000}, {"city": "Dallas", "sales": 42000, "target": 38000}, {"city": "Austin", "sales": 47000, "target": 40000}, {"city": "Denver", "sales": 57000, "target": 60000} ] }
The "data" array contains four JSON objects. You can sort these objects by using the sort function and referencing object key names - see the function topic for more information about the lambda function being used here as the comparator function for the sort. For this to work, the referenced key name(s) must appear in each object.
For example, to sort by sales in descending order:
[[sort(, (x,y) -> sign(y.sales - x.sales))]]
The sorted array is:
{ "data": [ {"city": "Denver", "sales": 57000, "target": 60000}, {"city": "Boston", "sales": 56000, "target": 50000}, {"city": "Austin", "sales": 47000, "target": 40000}, {"city": "Dallas", "sales": 42000, "target": 38000} ] }
Note that the sorted array is displayed in this format for clarity. The returned result would look like this:
You can sort by referencing two key names. For example, to sort by sales minus target in descending order:
[[sort(, (x,y) -> sign(diff(y.sales, - diff(x.sales,]]
The sorted array is:
{ "data": [ {"city": "Austin", "sales": 47000, "target": 40000}, {"city": "Boston", "sales": 56000, "target": 50000}, {"city": "Dallas", "sales": 42000, "target": 38000}, {"city": "Denver", "sales": 57000, "target": 60000} ] }
How to sort a two-dimensional array
Assume a "Describe a JSON Object" project with this data:
{ "data": [ ["Boston", 56000, 50000], ["Dallas", 42000, 38000], ["Austin", 47000, 40000], ["Denver", 57000, 60000] ] }
The "data" array contains four inner arrays. Each inner array contains three values. Since there are no key names to reference, you must give the values' positional indexes when sorting. Note that the positional indexes start at zero.
For example, to sort by sales (at Index 1) in descending order:
[[sort(, (x,y) -> sign(y[1] - x[1]))]]
The sorted array is:
{ "data": [ ["Denver", 57000, 60000], ["Boston", 56000, 50000], ["Austin", 47000, 40000], ["Dallas", 42000, 38000] ] }
To sort by sales (at Index 1) minus target (at Index 2) in descending order:
[[sort(, (x,y) -> sign(diff(y[1],y[2]) - diff(x[1],x[2])))]]
The sorted array is:
{ "data": [ ["Austin", 47000, 40000], ["Boston", 56000, 50000], ["Dallas", 42000, 38000], ["Denver", 57000, 60000] ] }
How to sort groupBy results
Some groupBy functions — such as groupByTable and groupByJson — return a list of lists. These functions present the list already sorted, but you may wish to sort it differently. You can do this with sort.
Assume that [[groupByTable(WholeTable, Region, (Sales, Target))]]
returns this result:
In printed form:
South, 237,000 and 215,000, East, 194,000 and 190,000 and West, 125,000 and 75,000
There are three inner lists, each containing three values: (1) the group's Region value, (2) the group's sum-aggregated Sales total, and (3) the group's sum-aggregated Target total.
The result is automatically sorted in descending order, using the first aggregated value (Sales). But suppose you want a different sort order. Suppose you want to identify the top-performing region and measure performance as Sales minus Target. You can do this with the sort
[[ results = groupByTable(WholeTable, Region, (Sales, Target)) sort(results, (x,y) -> sign(diff(y[1],y[2]) - diff(x[1],x[2]))) ]]
There are no key names to reference when sorting, so use the relevant values' positional indexes instead. Zero-based indexing applies; therefore, in this example, the Sales values are at Index 1 while the Target values are at Index 2.
The result is this list of lists:
Now the inner list for the West region comes first, as its Sales minus Target value (50,000) is highest.
The function topics (e.g. groupByTable) show how to extract values from the sorted list.
How to sort a list of ATL objects
Some ATL functions — such as anomalyDetectorOutliers and rollingCorrelation — return a list of ATL objects. It's also common to write analytics functions that return this kind of list.
For this example:
[[ global.results = anomalyDetectorOutliers(Orders, Date) ]]
Assume the above returns this list is returned:
The list contains three ATL objects. Each object is a list of key–value pairs. Similar to when sorting an array of JSON objects, you can sort a list of ATL objects by referencing key names. For this to work, the referenced key name(s) must appear in each ATL object.
The list above is already sorted by the value field in descending order, but suppose you want to sort the list by the label field in chronological order (earliest to latest). You can do this with the sort function:
[[ sort(results, (x,y) -> y.label < x.label ? 1 : (y.label == x.label ? 0 : -1)) ]]
The sorted list is:
The object for the 2022-04-15 anomaly is now first because it's the earliest.
You can also sort a list of ATL objects by referencing two key names — see this example.
Note that the date values of 'label' in this case are actually strings, and they are sorted as strings (i.e. alphanumerically). Because they are in the format yyyy-MM-dd the sort
function will sort them in the correct date order. However, if they were in the format dd-MM-yyyy, then a string sort would not work as expected.
The sorted result would be in ascending alphanumerical order, with 08-08-2022 listed first:
In such a case, you can convert the values to dates within the comparator function of the sort, as shown below, and they will be sorted as dates.
[[ sort(results, (x,y) -> parseDateTime(y.label, "dd-MM-yyyy") < parseDateTime(x.label, "dd-MM-yyyy") ? 1 : (parseDateTime(y.label, "dd-MM-yyyy") == parseDateTime(x.label, "dd-MM-yyyy") ? 0 : -1)) ]]
The sorted result lists the object for the 15-04-2022 anomaly first again: