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Presents the input values as a punctuated list.

This is a language function, so the output is a STRING.

To create a list from input values, use makeList instead.


  • CONJUNCTION (string)

    Optional. The conjunction to include before the final value. Define your own conjunction or select from the parameter dropdown in the Function Builder. The options are and, or, and noConjunction.

    Default: Uses the project setting.

  • OXFORD COMMA (Boolean)

    Optional. Whether a separator should appear before the conjunction. Select true to include a separator.

    Default: Uses the project setting.

  • SEPARATOR (string)

    Optional. The separator character to appear between values in the list.

    Default: Uses the project setting.

  • W (any)

    The first value to include in the output.

  • W (any)

    Optional. The second value to include in the output.

  • W (any)

    Optional. The third value to include in the output.

  • W (any)

    Optional. The next value to include in the output.


The default values for the optional CONJUNCTION, OXFORD COMMA, and SEPARATOR parameters are defined in your project's settings. See Settings > List Formatting for guidance.


Assume the settings in Settings > List Formatting are:






No (equivalent of false in the parameter)



Use the first parameter to define the conjunction.

ATL in Script

Output String

[[list('', '', '', 'Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')]]

Peter, Paul and Mary

[[list('&', '', '', 'Peter','Paul','Mary')]]

Peter, Paul & Mary

[[list('or', '', '', 'Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')]]

Peter, Paul or Mary

[[list('noConjunction', '', '', 'Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')]]

Peter, Paul, Mary

Set the second parameter to true to include a separator before the conjunction.

ATL in Script

Output String

[[list('', true, '', 'Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')]]

Peter, Paul, and Mary

Use the third parameter to define the separator character.

ATL in Script

Output String

[[list('', true, ';', 'Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')]]

Peter; Paul; and Mary

This example creates list strings using list, then inputs them to the list function.


listString1 = list('', '', '', 'The Tramps'); 

listString2 = list('', '', '','Kool', 'the Gang'); 

listString3 = list('&', '', '', 'Earth', 'Wind', 'Fire'); 

list('noConjunction', '', ';', listString1, listString2, listString3)


The output string is:

The Tramps; Kool and the Gang; Earth, Wind & Fire