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Sets the timezone ID or offset for a datetime object.

If the input object already has a timezone ID or offset, the function overwrites it.

Any date and time components in the input object are unchanged.


  • DATETIME (datetime or string)

    A datetime object, or a string in an automatically recognized datetime pattern.

    If the input is date-only (e.g. '2019-02-07') or time-only (e.g. '22:30'), the function returns a warning.

  • TIME ZONE (string)

    A string representing a regional timezone (e.g. 'Europe/Berlin'). There is a handy dropdown list of valid timezones in the Function Builder. Alternatively, you can give a fixed offset (e.g. '+02:00').


ATL in Script

Printed Result


dateTimeObject = parseDateTime('2017-12-25T11:30:00Z[Europe/London]')

setTimeZone(dateTimeObject, 'Australia/Sydney')


Dec 25, 2017 11:30:00 AM

The first line creates a datetime object with the timezone 'Europe/London'. The second line changes the timezone to 'Australia/Sydney'. This change isn't visible here because the default formatting does not show timezones or offsets. To see the change, use formatDateTime.

ATL in Script

Printed Result


dateTimeObject = parseDateTime('2017-12-25T11:30:00Z[Europe/London]')

newDateTimeObj = setTimeZone(dateTimeObject, 'Australia/Sydney')

formatDateTime(newDateTimeObj, 'MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a VV')


Dec 25, 2017 11:30:00 AM Australia/Sydney

This similar example shows how to set an offset:

ATL in Script

Printed Result


dateTimeObject = parseDateTime('2019-02-20T00:30')

newDateTimeObj = setTimeZone(dateTimeObject, '-04:00')

formatDateTime(newDateTimeObj, 'MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a xx')


Feb 20, 2019 12:30:00 AM -0400