Adding comments to ATL
Comments are non-executable statements, written to aid human understanding. Adding comments to your ATL helps to explain your thought process and helps others to understand the intention of your code.
A comment must be inside an ATL block — i.e. somewhere between a pair of double square brackets ( [[ ]]
). Otherwise, Studio prints the comment verbatim in your project's output narrative.
The correct syntax for adding comments varies depending on whether you want the comment on a single line (wrappable) or organized into a multi-line block. See these sections for further guidance:
Method 1 — Single-line comments ( // )
You can start a comment with two forward slashes ( //
When adding a comment at the end of an ATL block — that is, after the last ATL statement — there is no need to terminate the comment by inserting a line break or paragraph break. For example:
ATL in Script |
[[unique(CountryColumn) // lists each unique value in Country column]] |
On smaller screens, the comment and last ATL statement might appear on different lines because of the editor's automatic line wrapping — the key point is you don't need to insert a break.
When adding a comment before any ATL statement, you must insert a break to terminate the comment.
ATL in Script |
// lists each unique value in the Country column
]] |
Here is how you might add comments to a multi-statement ATL block:
ATL in Script |
[[ // gets list of all values in Country column allCountryValues = asList(CountryColumn) // removes duplicate values from allCountryValues uniqueCountries = unique(allCountryValues) // amends uniqueCountries to add determiners (if applicable) map(uniqueCountries, name -> countryDeterminer(name)) ]] |
Note that each comment is terminated by inserting a paragraph break. You could use line breaks instead.
We have used bold text in each example to highlight the comment. This is not required in Studio.
Method 2 — Multi-line comments ( /* )
You can also define comments by wrapping them this way:
/* comment */
The advantage of this method is that you can split a single comment over multiple lines — that is, you can insert line or paragraph breaks within the comment itself without causing syntax errors. For example:
#value salesAnalytics (startDate, endDate)
/* This function takes two parameters.
The parameter values must be strings in a yyyy-MM-dd pattern.
The function filters the whole table by Date, then computes various Sales values.
The return value is a ATL object containing the calculated values. */
filteredData = filterRows(WholeTable, 'Date', value -> value >= startDate && value <= endDate)
sumVal = totalVal(columnsInRegion(filteredData, Sales))
avgVal = mean(columnsInRegion(filteredData, Sales))
medVal = median(columnsInRegion(filteredData, Sales))
topCountryData = groupByTable(filteredData, Country, Sales)[ :1]
topCountryName = topCountryData[0][0]
topCountrySales = topCountryData[0][1]
keys = makeList('sumVal', 'avgVal', 'medVal', 'topCountryName', 'topCountrySales')
values = makeList(sumVal, avgVal, medVal, topCountryName, topCountrySales)
createAtlObject(keys, values)
The first four lines of the ATL block — that is, everything between /*
and */
— comprise a single comment. Each line of the comment is separated by a line break. You cannot do this with the //