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Joins a set of strings or lists to create a single string.

The function is often combined with map to produce an amended list of values.


  • STRING (string or list)

    The first string or list to join.

  • STRING (string or list)

    The second string or list to join. You can add more strings or lists if required.


These examples show how to join strings:

ATL in Script






[[joinStrings('Brian',' Blessed')]]

Brian Blessed

[[joinStrings('Brian',' ','Blessed')]]

Brian Blessed

These examples show the effect when you join lists:

ATL in Script







The result is a concatenated string. To flatten a list of lists into a one list, use flattenLists.

Using joinStrings with map

The function is often combined with map to produce an amended list of values.

ATL in Script



myList = makeList(10,20,30)

map(myList, x -> joinStrings(x,'%'))


10%, 20% and 30%


myList = makeList('week','month','year')

map(myList, x -> joinStrings(x,'ly'))


weekly, monthly and yearly

Complex example

The joinStrings and map combination is helpful when mapping a complex list-like structure such as a list of ATL objects.


Download and open THIS EXAMPLE PROJECT to work through the next example.

  1. Go to the project's SummaryNarrative script and click Preview. You should see this:


    The content in red is a list of ATL objects: one object for each driver country. Each object has three fields: country, pctChange, and changeDirection. We want to map the list of objects to this list of strings:

    the United States of America (8.39% down), Germany (7.36% down), Canada (6.13% down) and France (2.25% down).

  2. Change the last ATL block to: [[map(driverAnalytics(data2021,data2020), x ->]].

  3. Click Preview. You should see this:


    Using map and dot notation, we've mapped the list of ATL objects to a list of countries, but we need joinStrings to pull in other values from each ATL object. We can also add parentheses where required.

  4. Change [[map(driverAnalytics(data2021,data2020), x ->]] to:

    [[map(driverAnalytics(data2021,data2020), x -> joinStrings(," (", abs(x.pctChange), "% ", x.changeDirection,")"))]]


    Note that quotation marks aren't required for parameter inputs such as or abs(x.pctChange) — as these return a string or numeric value — but quotation marks are required for the other input strings.

  5. Join the ATL block to the end of the preceding paragraph, select all script content, and click Clear Formatting:

  6. Click Preview. You should get this narrative output:

    Our sales total in 2021 was $85.39MM, down 4.72% from 2020's total of $89.62MM. The drivers for this negative trend were sales in the United States of America (8.39% down), Germany (7.36% down), Canada (6.13% down) and France (2.25% down).