Sorts month names in order of calendar month. The return value is a sorted list.
You can pick which language the function uses by specifying a locale in the second parameter.
The default language is English.
MONTHS LIST (list, column, or row)
A list, column, or row of month names to sort. You can give month names in full (e.g. 'January') or in abbreviated form (e.g. 'Jan').
LOCALE (string)
Optional. Determines which language the function uses to read the month names. All supported locales are included in the parameter dropdown in the Function Builder.
Default: en_US
ATL in Script | Result |
[[ myList = ('June', 'March', 'July', 'April') sortMonthNames(myList) ]] | March, April, June and July |
[[ myList = ('juin', 'mars', 'juillet','avril') sortMonthNames(myList, 'fr_FR') ]] | mars, avril, juin and juillet |
[[ myList = ('junio', 'marzo', 'julio','abril') sortMonthNames(myList, 'es_ES') ]] | marzo, abril, junio and julio |
The second and third examples specify a locale in the second parameter.