ATL objects
An ATL object is a collection of key–value pairs surrounded by round brackets. You can use them to create your own data structures or reorganize your existing data into an easier-to-use format.
ATL objects are similar to Java HashMaps and Python Dictionaries.
ATL objects vs. JSON objects
ATL objects are similar to JSON objects, but unlike the values in JSON objects, the values in ATL objects can be of any data type. This makes JSON objects a subtype of ATL objects.
An ATL object — when defined in a script or variable definition — looks like this:
A JSON object — which you can't define directly in a script or variable definition — looks like this:
The key differences are summarized in this table:
ATL Object | JSON Object | |
Surrounding brackets |
Key–value separator |
Keys | Identifier | String |
Values | Any data type | A valid JSON data type |
Creating an ATL object
You can define ATL objects ad hoc within ATL by placing round brackets around a list of key–value pairs.
ATL in Script | Resulting ATL Object |
Alternatively, you can use the createAtlObject
ATL in Script | Resulting ATL Object |
[[ keys = makeList('product','sales') values = makeList('Retine', 12547.39) createAtlObject(keys, values) ]] |
The ATL for creating an empty ATL object is [[createAtlObject()]]
See createAtlObject for further guidance.
Retrieving values from an object
You can retrieve the value of a key–value pair using dot notation.
ATL in Script | Printed Output |
[[ myObject = (products = ('Retine','Glower','Ointmo'), sales = 385429.47) myObject.products ]] | Retine, Glower and Ointmo |
You can also retrieve values using bracket notation.
ATL in Script | Printed Output |
[[ myObject = (products = ('Retine','Glower','Ointmo'), sales = 385429.47) myObject['products'][0] ]] | Retine |
To get a list of all values from an ATL object, use the values function.
ATL in Script | Printed Output |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) values(myObject) ]] | Retine and 12,547.39 |
Adding key–value pairs
You can add key–value pairs to an ATL object by using the addToAtlObject
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) newKeys = makeList('target', 'profit') newValues = makeList(10000, 3792.15) addToAtlObject(myObject, newKeys, newValues) ]]
The first line defines an ATL object and assigns it the name myObject
. This object contains two key–value pairs. The final line uses the addToAtlObject
function to add new keys and values. The resulting object is:
See addToAtlObject for further guidance.
You can also add key–value pairs by using dot or bracket notation.
Dot Notation | Bracket Notation |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) = 10000 myObject.profit = 3792.15 myObject ]] | [[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) myObject['target'] = 10000 myObject['profit'] = 3792.15 myObject ]] |
Removing key–value pairs
You can remove key–value pairs from an ATL object by using the removeFromAtlObject
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39, target = 10000, diff = 2547.39) removeFromAtlObject(myObject, ('target', 'diff')) ]]
The first line defines an ATL object and assigns it the name myObject
. The object contains four key–value pairs. The second line uses the removeFromAtlObject
function to remove the last two key–value pairs.
The resulting ATL object is:
See removeFromAtlObject for further guidance.
Key names containing spaces
Key names may contain spaces — e.g. 'sales target'— but restrictions apply.
For example, you can't use key names with spaces when defining ATL objects ad hoc within ATL.
ATL in Script | Result |
| SYNTAX warning: Expected a valid expression |
To include a key name with spaces, use the createAtlObject function.
ATL in Script | Resulting ATL Object |
[[ keys = makeList('product', 'sales target') values = makeList('Retine', 10000) createAtlObject(keys, values) ]] |
Or add the key to the object after its creation using bracket notation.
ATL in Script | Resulting ATL Object |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine') myObject['sales target'] = 10000 myObject ]] |
If a key name contains spaces, you can't access the value for that key using dot notation.
ATL in Script | Result |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine') myObject['sales target'] = 10000 myObject.sales target ]] | SYNTAX warning: Syntax error |
Use bracket notation instead.
ATL in Script | Result |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine') myObject['sales target'] = 10000 myObject['sales target'] ]] | 10,000 |
Retrieving keys names
To retrieve a list of all key names from an ATL object, use the keys function.
ATL in Script | Result |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) keys(myObject) ]] | product and sales |
To test if an object contains a specific key name, use the hasKey function.
ATL in Script | Result |
[[ myObject = (product = 'Retine', sales = 12547.39) hasKey(myObject, 'target') ]] | false |
Reorganizing JSON data into a list of ATL objects
Another use for ATL objects is reorganizing your data. For example, assume a JSON project with this data:
{"yr2021": { "Revenue": [ { "name": "Premium income", "value": 22166 }, { "name": "Net investment income", "value": 6334 }, { "name": "Fees and other income", "value": 1283 } ], "Expenses": [ { "name": "Policyholders' benefits", "value": 19046 }, { "name": "General insurance expenses", "value": 2251 }, { "name": "Commissions", "value": 869 }, { "name": "State taxes, licenses and fees", "value": 237 }, { "name": "Dividends to policyholders", "value": 1566 } ] } }
Let's say that, instead of the nested structure shown above, you want a flatter list of all transactions for the year with only their type and value. You could get this with the following ATL:
[[ rev2021 = map(WholeJSON.yr2021.Revenue, x -> createAtlObject(('type', 'value'), makeList('revenue', x.value))) exp2021 = map(WholeJSON.yr2021.Expenses, x -> createAtlObject(('type', 'value'), makeList('expense', x.value))) concat(rev2021,exp2021) ]]
The first line produces this list of ATL objects from the Revenue array:
The second line produces this list of ATL objects from the Expenses array:
The third line concatenates the lists.
The printed output is:
( type = revenue, value = 22,166 ), ( type = revenue, value = 6,334 ), ( type = revenue, value = 1,283 ), ( type = expense, value = 19,046 ), ( type = expense, value = 2,251 ), (type = expense, value = 869), ( type = expense, value = 237 ) and ( type = expense, value = 1,566 )
Studio prints the result as a punctuated list, using the List Formatting settings.
Any numbers in the object are printed as per the Number and Currency settings.
The createAtlObject topic has other similar examples.
Reorganizing table data into a list of ATL objects
Assume a "Describe the Table" project with this data:
Branch | State | Manager | Sales | SalesTarget | Profit | ProfitTarget |
Chicago | Illinois | Andrew Gray | 198,248.36 | 200,000.00 | 22,495.22 | 24,000.00 |
Dallas | Texas | Emma Moore | 267,321.77 | 250,000.00 | 32,841.38 | 30,000.00 |
Los Angeles | California | Linda Barclay | 182,434.58 | 200,000.00 | 19,239.66 | 24,000.00 |
This example builds a list of ATL objects from three table columns:
[[map(rowNames(), x -> createAtlObject(('branch', 'manager', 'profit'), (x, value(cell(x,Manager)), value(cell(x,Profit)))))]]
The resulting is the following list of ATL objects (one for each row):
The printed output is:
(branch = Chicago, manager = Andrew Gray, profit = 22,495.22), (branch = Dallas, manager = Emma Moore, profit = 32,841.38) and (branch = Los Angeles, manager = Linda Barclay, profit = 19,239.66)
In a "Describe Row in Context" project, the ATL would be:
[[map(rowNames(), x -> createAtlObject(('branch', 'manager', 'profit'), (x, value(cell(x,ManagerColumn)), value(cell(x,ProfitColumn)))))]]
You can't do this in a "Describe Each Row" project because that project type does not allow access to column data across multiple rows. In that project type, you can access the data in the focus row only.
The createAtlObject topic has other similar examples.