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Committing your changes

When you have finished coding in NLG Studio, you are ready to commit your changes upstream.

To commit your changes:
  1. Export the Studio project as a JSON file.

  2. Place the JSON file in the versioned directory.

  3. Commit your changes.

    You should see this in your console:

    $ git commit -m "pre-commit test run"
    - pre-commit hook
    - checking if JQ is installed
    - staged file: target_based_variance_summary.json
    - formatting staged Studio file with JQ
    - remove .sampleOutput, .version, .collaborators, .activeUser fields and format Studio
    - apply common formatting
    - creating peer review files
    - re-staging processed files
    - pre-commit hook finished.
    [pre-commit-hook 9292b98] pre-commit test run
    2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


    FOR MAC USERS: If your GUI application does not trigger the pre-commit hook, you may need to commit and push from command line.

    git add .
    git commit -m "A commit message."