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Number agreement

Generally speaking, in English, the only verb number differences you will need to worry about are between third-person singular and third-person plural (e.g. The movement indicates... vs. The movements indicate... However, if you are producing a text talking about people, you need to be careful when using the verb "to be" in the first-person singular, second-person singular, and so on. (I am…. You are…. He is…., etc.)

Singular or plural. For example:

  • The division is within budget. BUT The divisions are over budget.

  • The movement indicates... BUT The movements indicate...

Why does this need to be checked? Not because NLG Studio will get it wrong, but in case there is a mistake in the ATL code.

Numbers in words. For example:

  • division... OR ...1 division...

  • ...two divisions... OR ...2 divisions...

Again, test these in case there is a mistake in the ATL. Numbers can be expressed in words. Decide your rules and be consistent. For example, you may choose to use integers when the number is less than or equal to 10; or you may choose to use only integers, in all cases. Here is another rule to decide on: Do you want to allow numbers as digits to start a sentence?