Conducting peer reviews
Peer reviews involve inspecting the changes made by a developer and making sure they are sensible. Peer reviewing helps to identify simple logical errors and inconsistencies very early on in development without having to wait till testing is done.
Currently, NLG Studio does not have a way of highlighting changes made to scripts; hence, it is not easy to see revisions made by reviewers. To work around this, we have created an external Python script which you can run on the exported Studio project's JSON. This script extracts your Studio scripts from the project's JSON into separate ATL files that can be checked into a version-control system such as Git. Once in a version-control system, it is easy to track changes made to a file.
Alternatively, if you use a web-based hosting service such as Bitbucket or GitHub, you can use the web UI to easily see changes between different versions.
See Automating a formatter for peer reviews for instructions organized as follows: